Class actionCenterAPI
Defines the standard API of the ActionCenters.
Defined in: Utility.js.
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
Default constructor.
Field Attributes | Field Name and Description |
<static> |
Holds the systemElementConfiguration
<static> |
Holds contribution id's for batched, as opposed to one-by-one, thumbprinting.
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.addRelationship(superiorContributionId, subordinateContributionId, relationshipType, afterContributionId, beforeContributionId, subordinateContributionType, contributionProperties, callbackObject, callbackMethod, contributionBinObjProperties)
Adds a relationship of the specified type between the specified contributions.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.addUser(roleId, userid, workspaceProjectDefId)
Add a PSS user to a workspace.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.addWorkspaceActivity(activityId, workspaceId, (String), (String), (String), (String), (String), (String), (Object), callbackMethod)
Add an activity to a workspace, copying or linking datasets as specified,
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.copyContribution(contributionId, superiorId, relationshipType, beforeContributionId, afterContributionId, castToType)
Performs a (shallow) copy of the contribution and relates it to the superior with the given relationship name.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.copyReplaceScreen(copyScreenId, replaceScreenId)
Copies a screen and replaces the specified screen
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.copyScreenToActivityRole(screenId, activityId, roleId)
Copies a screen and adds superior relationship to activity and roled ids specified.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.copyToClipboard(contributionIds, deepCopyIds, shallowCopyIds)
Copies contributions and all the subordinates to the clipboard
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.copyToPalette(contributionIds, paletteCategoryId, leaderRoleId, participantRoleId)
Copies the specified contribution to the specified palette.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.createProject(contributionProperties, (String})
Creates a new project.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.createWorkspace(projectId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Creates a workspace from an application.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.cutToClipboard(contributionIds, deepCopyIds)
Cuts contributions and all the subordinates to the clipboard.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.deepCopy(contributionId, superiorId, relationshipType, beforeContributionId, afterContributionId, castToType)
Performs a deep copy of the contribution and relates it to the superior with the given relationship name.
<static> |
Deletes a contribution (remove from recycle bin).
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.deleteRelationship(superiorContributionId, subordinateContributionId, relationshipType, isDeleteAll)
Deletes a relationship of the specified type between the specified contributions.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.deleteWidget(contributionIds, isReadOnly, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Deletes a widget from the system.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.editContribution(contributionId, properties, binaryObjectProperties, callbackObject, callbackMethod, unlock, type)
Edits the properties of a contribution.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.editContributionProperty(contributionId, key, value, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Edits the specified contribution property.
<static> |
Empties the user's project recyle bin.
<static> |
Terminates a batch connection to the server.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getAvailableProjects(callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets the open CACE tool projects for a particular user.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getAvailableWidgets(widgetType, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets the available system widgets.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getComponentConfiguration(superiorContributionId, componentId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets sub-component configurations for the component.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getContribution(contributionId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets the specified contribution.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getContributionByProperty(superiorId, relationshipType, subordinateType, propertyKey, propertyValue, createOneIfNoneExists, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets a contribution that has the specified property and is related related to the specified superior contribution
via the specified relationship type and of the specified contribution type.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getContributionProperties(contributionId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets the properties of the specified contribution.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getContributionsMatchingRelationships(superiorIds, relationshipTypes, contributionType, createOneIfNoneExists, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets contributions that have a set of relationships and are of a specified type.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getPersonalWorkspaceContribution(contributionGroupingType, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets a contribution grouping of the specified type from the personal workspace of the user.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getPopulationRules(contributionId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets population rules for a component.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getRecycleBinContributions(projectId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets the recycle bin contributions for a project.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getRecycleBinProjects(projectType, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets the recycle bin projects.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getRequestedSystemElementConfig(msg, passdata)
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getStandardActivityPalette(callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets the Standard Activity Palette
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getSwapperParent(superiorRootContributionId, subordinateComponentId, currentContributionId, shellSubcomponentId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets a new swapper parent.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getSystemConfiguration(configurationType, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Get System Configuration for this user and for a particular configuration type.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getSystemDemoDataset(callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets system demo dataset.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getSystemElementConfiguration(elementConfigScope, elementCategoryName, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets element configuration for a item in the ActionCenters system configuration.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getUnassignedUsers(workspaceProjectDefId, systemRoles, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets users having specified systemrole(s) and no role in the specified project.
<static> |
Gets the user id.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getUsers(systemRoles, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets users having the specified systemrole(s).
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getUsersInProject(projectID, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets users of the specified project.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.getWorkspaceDataset(datasetName, callbackObject, callbackMethod, workspaceId)
Get the workspace dataset based on the datasetName and workspaceId
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.grantUserAccessToProject(usernames, projectID)
Grants the specified user(s) access to the specified project.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.lockContribution(contributionId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Locks the specified contribution.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.lockContributionProperty(contributionId, propertyKey, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Locks the specified contribution property.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.moveContribution(superiorContributionId, contributionToMoveId, afterContributionId, beforeContributionId)
Moves the specified contribution, within the same superior, to be among subordinates
of the specified superior contribution between the 'after-' and 'before-' contributions
in the ordering of subordinates.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.moveContribution2(contributionToMoveId, oldSuperiorId, newSuperiorId, relationshipType, afterContributionId, beforeContributionId, castToType, oldRelationshipType)
Moves the specified contribution, to a different superior, to be among subordinates
of the specified superior contribution between the 'after-' and 'before-' contributions
in the ordering of subordinates.
<static> |
Moves a contribution or collection of contributions to the recycle bin.
<static> |
Moves a project to the user's recyle bin.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.moveScreenToActivityRole(screenId, activityId, roleId)
Moves a screen and adds superior relationship to activity and roled ids specified.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.moveUser(moveToId, (boolean), workspaceProjectDefId, contributionId)
Move a user or group of users to a screen.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.pasteFromClipboard(superiorContributionId, relationshipType, afterContributionId, beforeContributionId, targetId, type)
Pastes contributions from the clipboard in the selected superior, having this new relationship,
after a certain contribution.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.pasteFromPalette(superiorContributionId, contributionId, relationshipType, afterContributionId)
Pastes contributions from palette.
<static> |
Publishes an application to the "App Store".
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.publishRelatedContributions(addChannel, createOneIfNoneExists, callbackObject, callbackMethod, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Tells the server to publish all the current contributions for a given channel.
<static> |
Publishes a specified contribution if it has a specified relationship to the specified superiorid
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.removeUserFromProject(usernames, projectID)
Remove the specified user(s) from the specified project.
<static> |
Remove a PSS user from a workspace
<static> |
Restores contributions from the recycle bin.
<static> |
Restores projects from a user's recycle bin.
<static> |
Initiates a batch connection to the server so that the multiple messages can be sent inside one http
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.thumbprint(contributionId, isCommit)
Thumb-prints the specified contribution with the current user's id.
<static> |
Thumb-prints the specified contribution when the window is closed.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.unlockContribution(contributionId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Unlocks the specified contribution.
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.unlockContributionProperty(contributionId, propertyKey, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Unlocks the specified contribution property.
<static> |
unpublishes an application to the "App Store".
<static> |
actionCenterAPI.updateSystemElementConfiguration(systemElementConfiguration, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Update new system element configuration to the server.
Field Detail
Holds the systemElementConfiguration
Holds contribution id's for batched, as opposed to one-by-one, thumbprinting.
Method Detail
actionCenterAPI.addRelationship(superiorContributionId, subordinateContributionId, relationshipType, afterContributionId, beforeContributionId, subordinateContributionType, contributionProperties, callbackObject, callbackMethod, contributionBinObjProperties)
Adds a relationship of the specified type between the specified contributions.
- Parameters:
- {String} superiorContributionId
- The id of the superior contribution.
- {String} subordinateContributionId
- The id of the subordinate contribution.
- {String} relationshipType
- The type of the relationship.
- {String} afterContributionId Optional
- The id of the preceding contribution.
- {String} beforeContributionId Optional
- The id of the succeeding contribution.
- {String} subordinateContributionType
- The type of the subordinate contribution.
- {Object} contributionProperties Optional
- The contribution properties.
- {Object} callbackObject Optional
- The object to call back after the relationship is added.
- {function} callbackMethod Optional
- The method to call back after the relationship is added.
- {Object} contributionBinObjProperties Optional
- The binary contribution properties.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.addUser(roleId, userid, workspaceProjectDefId)
Add a PSS user to a workspace.
- Parameters:
- {String} roleId
- The id of the role the user is being assigned.
- {String|String[]} userid
- This is a single userId or an Array of userIds. The userIds represent users in the user table
- {String} workspaceProjectDefId
- The id of the project definition contribution for the workspace to which the user is to be added.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.addWorkspaceActivity(activityId, workspaceId, (String), (String), (String), (String), (String), (String), (Object), callbackMethod)
Add an activity to a workspace, copying or linking datasets as specified,
- Parameters:
- {String} activityId
- This id of the activity to copy
- {String} workspaceId
- The id of the workspace project to add to
- (String)
- parentId The id of the superior contribution to the new activity
- (String)
- afterId The id of the sibling contribution to place the new activity after
- (String)
- initialData A value indicating whether to copy or link data
- (String)
- dataSourceIncrementer The incrementer of the activity being copied or linked to
- (String)
- name The name of the new Activity
- (String)
- description The description of the new Activity
- (Object)
- callbackObject The callback object
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.copyContribution(contributionId, superiorId, relationshipType, beforeContributionId, afterContributionId, castToType)
Performs a (shallow) copy of the contribution and relates it to the superior with the given relationship name.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionId
- The contribution value object.
- {String} superiorId
- The superior contribution value object.
- {String} relationshipType
- The relationship to new superior.
- {String} beforeContributionId Optional
- Place this new copy before the contribution with this id.
- {String} afterContributionId Optional
- Place this new copy after the contribution with this id.
- castToType
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.copyReplaceScreen(copyScreenId, replaceScreenId)
Copies a screen and replaces the specified screen
- Parameters:
- {String} copyScreenId
- The id of the screen to copy.
- {String} replaceScreenId
- The id of the screen to replace.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.copyScreenToActivityRole(screenId, activityId, roleId)
Copies a screen and adds superior relationship to activity and roled ids specified.
- Parameters:
- {String} screenId
- The screen id to be copied.
- {String} activityId
- The superior activity id.
- {String} roleId
- The superior role id.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.copyToClipboard(contributionIds, deepCopyIds, shallowCopyIds)
Copies contributions and all the subordinates to the clipboard
- Parameters:
- {String[]} contributionIds
- Array of contributions which should be copied to the clipboard.
- deepCopyIds
- shallowCopyIds
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.copyToPalette(contributionIds, paletteCategoryId, leaderRoleId, participantRoleId)
Copies the specified contribution to the specified palette.
TODO: Move this to a CACE API.
- Parameters:
- {String[]} contributionIds
- The array of id's of the contributions to copy.
- {String} paletteCategoryId
- The id of the palette category where the contribution will be copied.
- {String} leaderRoleId Optional
- The leader role id. This should be provided when copying an agenda item to the palette. TODO: move this functionality to the back end.
- {String} participantRoleId Optional
- The participant role id. This should be provided when copying an agenda item to the palette. TODO: move this functionality to the back end.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.createProject(contributionProperties, (String})
Creates a new project.
TODO: This function should be moved to a class for CACE functions because it is not intended for use by component developers.
- Parameters:
- {Object} contributionProperties
- the contribution properties TODO: Remove this parameter because it is not used.
- (String}
- projectType the type of the project to create.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.createWorkspace(projectId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Creates a workspace from an application.
TODO: Move this to a CACE API.
- Parameters:
- {String} projectId
- The id of the project contribution to publish.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.cutToClipboard(contributionIds, deepCopyIds)
Cuts contributions and all the subordinates to the clipboard.
- Parameters:
- {String[]} contributionIds
- Array of contributions which should be cut to the clipboard.
- deepCopyIds
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.deepCopy(contributionId, superiorId, relationshipType, beforeContributionId, afterContributionId, castToType)
Performs a deep copy of the contribution and relates it to the superior with the given relationship name.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionId
- The contribution value object.
- {String} superiorId
- The superior contribution value object.
- {String} relationshipType
- The relationship to new superior.
- {String} beforeContributionId Optional
- Place this new copy before the contribution with this id.
- {String} afterContributionId Optional
- Place this new copy after the contribution with this id.
- castToType
- Returns:
- void
Deletes a contribution (remove from recycle bin).
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionId
- The id of the contribution to be deleted.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.deleteRelationship(superiorContributionId, subordinateContributionId, relationshipType, isDeleteAll)
Deletes a relationship of the specified type between the specified contributions.
- Parameters:
- {String} superiorContributionId
- The id of the superior contribution.
- {String} subordinateContributionId
- The id of the subordinate contribution.
- {String} relationshipType
- The type of the relationship.
- {Boolean} isDeleteAll Optional
- Boolean flag to indicate whether all relationships to the superior should be deleted. Defalts to false. TODO: remove this parameter because it is not used.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.deleteWidget(contributionIds, isReadOnly, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Deletes a widget from the system.
- Parameters:
- contributionIds
- isReadOnly
- callbackObject
- callbackMethod
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.editContribution(contributionId, properties, binaryObjectProperties, callbackObject, callbackMethod, unlock, type)
Edits the properties of a contribution.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionId
- The id of the contribution to be edited.
- {Object} properties Optional
- A map of properties to modify.
- {Object} binaryObjectProperties Optional
- A map of binary properties to modify.
- {Object} callbackObject Optional
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod Optional
- The callback method.
- {Boolean} unlock Optional
- Boolean flag indicating whether the contribution should be unlocked after the edit.
- {String} type Optional
- The new contribution type if this is a cast.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.editContributionProperty(contributionId, key, value, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Edits the specified contribution property.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionId
- The id of the contribution, whose property to edit.
- {String} key
- The property key.
- {String} value
- The property value.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
Empties the user's project recyle bin.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionType
- The type of project to remove from the user's project recycle bin.
- Returns:
- void
Terminates a batch connection to the server.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getAvailableProjects(callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets the open CACE tool projects for a particular user.
- Parameters:
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getAvailableWidgets(widgetType, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets the available system widgets.
TODO: Move this to a CACE API.
- Parameters:
- {String} widgetType
- the widget type. 'AC_Control' or 'AC_Tool'.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getComponentConfiguration(superiorContributionId, componentId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets sub-component configurations for the component.
- Parameters:
- {String} superiorContributionId
- The superiorContributionId.
- {String} componentId
- The component contribution id.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getContribution(contributionId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets the specified contribution.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionId
- The id of the contribution to retrieve.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getContributionByProperty(superiorId, relationshipType, subordinateType, propertyKey, propertyValue, createOneIfNoneExists, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets a contribution that has the specified property and is related related to the specified superior contribution
via the specified relationship type and of the specified contribution type. If no such contribution is found, one
will be created if the createOneIfNoneExists boolean flag is set.
- Parameters:
- {String} superiorId
- The superior id
- {String} relationshipType Optional
- The relationship type
- {String} subordinateType Optional
- The subordinate type
- {String} propertyKey
- The property key
- {String} propertyValue
- The property value
- {Boolean} createOneIfNoneExists Optional
- Boolean flag to indicate whether a new contribution should be created if no match is found. Default is false.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getContributionProperties(contributionId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets the properties of the specified contribution.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionId
- The contribution id.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getContributionsMatchingRelationships(superiorIds, relationshipTypes, contributionType, createOneIfNoneExists, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets contributions that have a set of relationships and are of a specified type. The matching contributions
will be sent back to the callback object/method
in an array. The message key to the array in the message is "matchingContributions".
- Parameters:
- {String[]} superiorIds
- an array of superior ids
- {String[]} relationshipTypes
- an array of relationship types. The index of the relationship matches the index of the superior id in the superiorIds array to which it is related.
- {String} contributionType
- the type of subordinate contributions
- {Boolean} createOneIfNoneExists Optional
- boolean flag indicating whether to create a subordinate contribution if none is found
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getPersonalWorkspaceContribution(contributionGroupingType, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets a contribution grouping of the specified type from the personal workspace of the user.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionGroupingType
- The contribution grouping type to lookup in the user's personal workspace.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getPopulationRules(contributionId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets population rules for a component.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionId
- The component contribution id.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getRecycleBinContributions(projectId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets the recycle bin contributions for a project.
- Parameters:
- {String} projectId
- The project contribution id for which we are retrieving recycle bin contributions.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getRecycleBinProjects(projectType, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets the recycle bin projects.
TODO: Move this to a CACE API.
- Parameters:
- {String} projectType Optional
- The type of projects. Defaults to "AC_Project_Definition".
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getRequestedSystemElementConfig(msg, passdata)
- Parameters:
- msg
- passdata
actionCenterAPI.getStandardActivityPalette(callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets the Standard Activity Palette
- Parameters:
- callbackObject
- callbackMethod
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getSwapperParent(superiorRootContributionId, subordinateComponentId, currentContributionId, shellSubcomponentId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets a new swapper parent.
- Parameters:
- {String} superiorRootContributionId
- The root contribution of the superior contribution.
- {String} subordinateComponentId
- The subordinate component for which swapping is enabled.
- {String} currentContributionId
- The current contribution id.
- {String} shellSubcomponentId
- The shell subcomponent id.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getSystemConfiguration(configurationType, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Get System Configuration for this user and for a particular configuration type.
TODO: Move this to a CACE API.
- Parameters:
- {String} configurationType
- A type of the system configuration you are looking for.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getSystemDemoDataset(callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets system demo dataset. This is only used for our COA demonstration.
- Parameters:
- {Object} callbackObject
- the callback object
- {function} callbackMethod
- the callback method
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getSystemElementConfiguration(elementConfigScope, elementCategoryName, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets element configuration for a item in the ActionCenters system configuration.
- Parameters:
- {String} elementConfigScope
- The element configuration scope. Usually the contribution type for which the configuration is retrieved.
- {String} elementCategoryName Optional
- The element category name.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getUnassignedUsers(workspaceProjectDefId, systemRoles, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets users having specified systemrole(s) and no role in the specified project.
- Parameters:
- {String} workspaceProjectDefId
- The id of the project contribution.
- {String[]} systemRoles
- an array of systemroles
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
Gets the user id.
- Returns:
- CACE or PSS user id
actionCenterAPI.getUsers(systemRoles, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets users having the specified systemrole(s).
- Parameters:
- {String[]} systemRoles
- An array of systemroles.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getUsersInProject(projectID, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Gets users of the specified project.
- Parameters:
- {String} projectID
- The id of the project contribution.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.getWorkspaceDataset(datasetName, callbackObject, callbackMethod, workspaceId)
Get the workspace dataset based on the datasetName and workspaceId
- Parameters:
- {String} datasetName
- This is the datasetName
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- {String} workspaceId
- The workspace ID.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.grantUserAccessToProject(usernames, projectID)
Grants the specified user(s) access to the specified project.
- Parameters:
- {String[]} usernames
- The array of user names.
- {String} projectID
- The id of the project.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.lockContribution(contributionId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Locks the specified contribution.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionId
- The id of the contribution to lock.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.lockContributionProperty(contributionId, propertyKey, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Locks the specified contribution property.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionId
- The id of the contribution whose property to lock.
- {String} propertyKey
- The property key.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.moveContribution(superiorContributionId, contributionToMoveId, afterContributionId, beforeContributionId)
Moves the specified contribution, within the same superior, to be among subordinates
of the specified superior contribution between the 'after-' and 'before-' contributions
in the ordering of subordinates.
- Parameters:
- {String} superiorContributionId
- The id of the superior contribution.
- {String} contributionToMoveId
- The id of the contribution to move.
- {String} afterContributionId Optional
- The id of the preceding contribution. If this parameter is not provided, the beforeContributionId must be provided.
- {String} beforeContributionId Optional
- The id of the succeeding contribution. If this parameter is not provided, the afterContributionId must be provided.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.moveContribution2(contributionToMoveId, oldSuperiorId, newSuperiorId, relationshipType, afterContributionId, beforeContributionId, castToType, oldRelationshipType)
Moves the specified contribution, to a different superior, to be among subordinates
of the specified superior contribution between the 'after-' and 'before-' contributions
in the ordering of subordinates.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionToMoveId
- The id of the contribution to move.
- {String} oldSuperiorId
- The id of the old superior contribution.
- {String} newSuperiorId
- The id of the new superior contribution.
- {String} relationshipType
- The type of the new relationship to the new superior.
- {String} afterContributionId Optional
- The id of the preceding contribution. If this parameter is not provided, the beforeContributionId must be provided.
- {String} beforeContributionId Optional
- The id of the succeeding contribution. If this parameter is not provided, the afterContributionId must be provided.
- {String} castToType Optional
- The type of the contribution after the move.
- oldRelationshipType
- Returns:
- void
Moves a contribution or collection of contributions to the recycle bin.
- Parameters:
- {String|Object} contribution
- The id of the contribution to move to the recycle bin - or - a collection of objects with property contributionId, each of the contributions will be moved to the recycle bin.
- Returns:
- void
Moves a project to the user's recyle bin.
- Parameters:
- {String} projectId
- the id of the project to put in the user's recycle bin
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.moveScreenToActivityRole(screenId, activityId, roleId)
Moves a screen and adds superior relationship to activity and roled ids specified.
- Parameters:
- {String} screenId
- The screen id to be copied.
- {String} activityId
- The superior activity id.
- {String} roleId
- The superior role id.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.moveUser(moveToId, (boolean), workspaceProjectDefId, contributionId)
Move a user or group of users to a screen.
- Parameters:
- {String} moveToId
- This will indicate where to move the user(s). If it is the text "next" or "previous", the contributon service will determine what that means. If the value is an id of a Role, then all users specified will be moved to that role, if the id is an activity, all users specified will be moved to that activity
- (boolean)
- followTheLeader Boolean indicator to tell whether all workspace users will get moved with the initiating user.
- {String} workspaceProjectDefId
- The id of the project definition contribution for the workspace the user is currently in
- {Sting|String[]} contributionId
- This is a single id or an Array of ids. The id(s) could be for contribution(s) of type AC_User, so that specific users would be moved, it could be of type AC_Role, in which case all users having that role would be moved, or of type AC_Activity so that all users on that activity would be moved.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.pasteFromClipboard(superiorContributionId, relationshipType, afterContributionId, beforeContributionId, targetId, type)
Pastes contributions from the clipboard in the selected superior, having this new relationship,
after a certain contribution.
- Parameters:
- {String} superiorContributionId
- The superior contribution for the contributions being pasted.
- {String} relationshipType
- The pasted contributions relationship to the new superior.
- {String} afterContributionId
- The pasted contributions should be after this contribution.
- beforeContributionId
- targetId
- type
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.pasteFromPalette(superiorContributionId, contributionId, relationshipType, afterContributionId)
Pastes contributions from palette.
TODO: Move this to a CACE API.
- Parameters:
- {String} superiorContributionId
- The superior contribution for the contributions being pasted.
- {String} contributionId
- The id of the palette item being pasted/dropped.
- {String} relationshipType
- The pasted contributions relationship to the new superior.
- {String} afterContributionId Optional
- The pasted contributions should be after this contribution.
- {String} beforeContributionId.
- The pasted contributions should be before this contribution.
- Returns:
- void
Publishes an application to the "App Store".
TODO: Move this to a CACE API.
- Parameters:
- {String} projectId
- The id of the project contribution to publish.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.publishRelatedContributions(addChannel, createOneIfNoneExists, callbackObject, callbackMethod, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Tells the server to publish all the current contributions for a given channel. The server will parse the
channel name and retrive all existing contributions for that channel and publish them to this client only.
The server does not re-publish the matching contributions to all clients.
- Parameters:
- {String} addChannel
- The channel on which to publish all the existing matching contributions
- {Boolean} createOneIfNoneExists
- boolean flag indicating whether to create a subordinate contribution if none has been found
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- callbackObject
- callbackMethod
- Returns:
- void
Publishes a specified contribution if it has a specified relationship to the specified superiorid
- Parameters:
- {String} addChannel
- The channel that specifies the superiorId/relationshipType/subordinateId and for which to publish the existing contribution if the matching relationship exists
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.removeUserFromProject(usernames, projectID)
Remove the specified user(s) from the specified project.
- Parameters:
- {String[]} usernames
- The array of user names to remove
- {String} projectID
- The id of the project contribution.
- Returns:
- void
Remove a PSS user from a workspace
- Parameters:
- {String|String[]} userid
- This is a single contribution id or an Array of contribution id. The contribution ids represent contribution ids for user contributions in contribution table.
- Returns:
- void
Restores contributions from the recycle bin.
- Parameters:
- {String[]} contributionIds
- Array of contribution ids which should be restored.
- Returns:
- void
Restores projects from a user's recycle bin.
TODO: Move this to a CACE API.
- Parameters:
- {String} projectId
- The id of the project contribution to restore.
- Returns:
- void
Initiates a batch connection to the server so that the multiple messages can be sent inside one http
request. There must be a matching call to endBatch.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.thumbprint(contributionId, isCommit)
Thumb-prints the specified contribution with the current user's id.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionId
- Contribution id.
- {Boolean} isCommit Optional
- Boolean flag to indicate whether thumbprints should be submitted to the server. Defalut is false.
- Returns:
- void
Thumb-prints the specified contribution when the window is closed.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionId
- Contribution id.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.unlockContribution(contributionId, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Unlocks the specified contribution.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionId
- The id of the contribution to unlock.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.unlockContributionProperty(contributionId, propertyKey, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Unlocks the specified contribution property.
- Parameters:
- {String} contributionId
- The id of the contribution whose property to unlock.
- {String} propertyKey
- the property key
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void
unpublishes an application to the "App Store".
TODO: Move this to a CACE API.
- Parameters:
- {String} projectId
- The id of the project contribution to publish.
- Returns:
- void
actionCenterAPI.updateSystemElementConfiguration(systemElementConfiguration, callbackObject, callbackMethod)
Update new system element configuration to the server.
- Parameters:
- {Object} systemElementConfiguration
- The new system element configuration.
- {Object} callbackObject
- The callback object.
- {function} callbackMethod
- The callback method.
- Returns:
- void